Overview of miRNA-mediated regulatory modules of plant growth and development in Arabidopsis and rice. (A–G) summary of the molecular connections between specific miRNAs and components of the auxin signaling pathway: (A) miR160 and miR167; (B) miR390; (C) miR393; (D) miR164; (E) miR847; (F) miR156, and (G) miR165 and miR166. Abbreviation: TIR1, Transport Inhibitor Response 1; AFB, Auxin F-box Protein; ARF, Auxin Response Factor; LEC2, Leafy Cotyledon 2; AUX/IAA, Auxin/Indole Acetic Acid; ABI3, ABA Insensitive 3; AUX3, Auxin Resistant 3; GH3, Gretchen Hagen 3; TAS3, Trans-Acting SiRNA 3; tasiARF, trans-acting small interfering ARF; TCP3, Teosinte branched/Cycloidea/PCF Transcription Factor 3; SAUR, Small Auxin-Up RNA; CUC, Cup-Shaped Cotyledon; NAC, NAC Domain-Containing protein; EIN2, Ethylene Insensitive 2; AXR1/2, Auxin Resistant 1/2; NH4+, ammonium; NO3−, nitrite; Gln, glutamine; siTAAR, small interfering RNA of AFB2/3; SPL7, Squamosal Promoter binding protein-Like 7; PHB/PHV, PHABULOSA/PHAVOLUTA; YUC, Flavin-binding monooxygenase family protein.