Table 6.
Summary of studies on sleep and TL.
Author, Reference | Year | Type of Study | Participants | TL Measurements | Tissue for TL Analysis | Exposure Assessment Methods | Results |
Cribbet et al. [128] | 2014 | Cross-sectional | 154 subjects (45–77 y) | PCR | Blood | Sleep quality and duration by questionnaire (PSQI) | Better quality of sleep was significantly associated with longer TL. Sleep durations of >7 h/night or ≤5 h/night associated with shorter TL in older adults. Sleep duration in middle-aged adults was not associated with TL |
Grieshober et al. [129] | 2019 | Cross-sectional | 3145 post-menopausal women (EA, AA) from the WHIS | SB | Blood | Sleep duration and sleep disturbance by questionnaires (WHIIRS) | Longer TL was associated with longer sleep duration in the whole sample (associations being strongest among AA). No associations were observed with sleep disturbances |
Jackowska et al. [130] | 2012 | Cross-sectional | 494 men and women (mean age 63.3 y) from the WIIS | PCR | Blood | Sleep duration assessed by interview | Sleep duration was associated with TL in men, but not in women. TL was 6% shorter in men who sleep ≤5 h/night compared to >7 h/night |
Liang et al. [43] | 2011 | Cross-sectional | 4117 women from the NHS | PCR | Blood | Sleep duration and rotating night shifts assessed by questionnaires | Sleep duration was associated with TL (compared to women in the 9 h/night, those in the <6 h/night category, had decreased TL). However, heterogeneity by age was observed (sleep duration and TL were only associated in women <50 y, and not older). No significant associations were found between rotating shift history and TL |
Nguyen et al. [131] | 2020 | Cross-sectional | 1070 parents/careers with a (mean age 44 y), from the LSAC | PCR | Blood | Sleep behavior determined by interview and actigraphy over 8 d | Sleep duration and most other sleep metrics were not associated with TL |
Prather et al. [132] | 2015 | Cross-sectional | 87 obese adults from a trial (San Francisco, CA) at baseline | PCR (DTC) | Blood | Sleep quality and duration by questionnaire (PSQI) | Poorer global sleep quality was associated with shorter TL in lymphocytes, but not in granulocytes. Sleep duration was not related to TL |
Prather et al. [133] | 2011 | Cross-sectional | 245 women (49 to 66 y) | PCR | Blood | Sleep quality and duration by questionnaire (adapted from the PSQI) | Lower sleep quality was associated to shorter TL |
Tempaku et al. [134] | 2018 | Cross-sectional | 925 participants from EPISONO cohort | PCR | Blood | Sleep quality and duration assessed by questionnaires (PSQI, UNIFESP, Epworth, ISI, PSPDN), and polysomnography | Insomnia disorders and long sleepers were associated with shorter TL |
Wynchank et al. [135] | 2019 | Longitudinal | 2936 European subjects from the NSDA analyzed at two waves 6 y apart | PCR | Blood | Sleep duration and insomnia symptoms by questionnaire (ISR). Chronotype determined by the MCTQ | Indicators of delayed circadian rhythm, Late MSFsc, late sleep onset time, and moderately late chronotype, were associated with shorter TL at both waves. No predictors showed accelerated TL attrition over 6 y. Sleep duration and insomnia were not associated with TL |
Zgheib et al. [136] | 2018 | Cross-sectional | 497 Lebanese (men and women >18 y) | PCR | Blood | Sleep habits determined by questionnaire (3 questions) | Difficulties to sleep (but not short sleep duration) were associated with shorter TL |
Zhao H [137] | 2017 | Cross-sectional | 12,178 Mexican Americans (20–85 y, 80% women) from the MM:MACS | PCR | Blood | Sleep duration determined by questionnaire | TL was associated with sleeping time per d (longer in those participants who slept at least 9 h/d, followed by those who slept between 7–8 h/d, and shortest in those who slept ≤6 h/d) |
TL: telomere length; bp: base pairs; y: years old; h: hour; d: day; y: year; PCR: Polymerase Chain Reaction; PSQI: Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; EA: European-American; AA. African-American; WHI: Women’s Health Initiative Objective Physical Activity and Cardio-vascular Health study; WHIIRS: “Women’s Health Initiative” Insomnia Rating Scale; WIIS: Whitehall II study; NHS: Nurses’ Health Study; LSAC: Longitudinal Study of Australian Children; EPISONO: São Paulo Epidemiologic Sleep Study; DTC: PCR in different type of cells; UNIFESP: “Universidade Federal De São Paulo” (UNIFESP) Sleep Questionnaire; Epworth: Epworth Sleepiness Scale; ISI: Insomnia Severity Index; PSPDN: Pre-Sleep–Previous Day and Night; NSDA: Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety; ISR: Insomnia Rating Scale; MCTQ: Munich Chronotype Questionnaire; MSFsc: Lack of sleep on days off; MM:MACS: Mano a Mano: Mexican American Cohort Study.