Visualization of the MOD and SHF phospho (p)-proteomic datasets. (A) Heat maps showing differential log2 fold change in the expression of p-sites that changed in MOD vs. Sham (left), and in SHF vs. Sham (right). The same biological samples in the Sham group were used as a reference for both TMT-label p-proteomic runs; n = 3 biological samples per group. Note: there was a technical problem in one of the Sham biological samples in the MOD p-proteomic run, which was eliminated as it was skewing the data. (B) Volcano plots showing the degree of log2 fold change, on the x-axis, with the corresponding -Log10
p-value, on the y-axis, for the p-sites that were downregulated (green) or upregulated (red) in MOD (left) and SHF (right) groups compared with Sham. (C) PCA plots showing the variance of biological samples in the Sham, MOD and SHF groups for the p-sites that changed in MOD (left) and SHF (right) vs. Sham.