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. 2011 Aug 10;2011(8):CD003460. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD003460.pub3
Study Reason for exclusion
Achord 1979 Not an RCT
Alevizos 1989 Not appropriate patients: depressive patients with IBS
Andre 1979 Mixed intervention: composite of oxazepam and scopolamine butyl nitrate
Anonymous 1966 Not an RCT
Anonymous 1976 No extractable results
Anonymous 1982 Not an RCT
Anonymous 1986 Not an RCT; a review
Anonymous 1995 Not an RCT
Anonymous 1998 Not an RCT
Anonymous 2002a Not an RCT
Anonymous 2002b Not an RCT
Anonymous 2008 Not an RCT; a report from Ford 2008
Arffmann 1985 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Awad 1997 Not outcome of interest; post‐prandial motility
Baldi 1992 Duplicate publication with Baldi 1991
Barbier 1981 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Bassotti 1988 Not an RCT
Baume 1972 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Bazzocchi 1992 Not outcome of interest; anorectal function
Berthelot 1981 Only 28% of patients had true IBS. Separate results were not available for these patients
Birt 1989 Not available
Bixquert‐Jimenez 2005 Not an RCT
Block 1983 Duplicate publication with Myren 1982
Bosaeus 2004 Not an RCT; a review
Bouchoucha 2000 Not outcome of interest; colonic response to food
Budavari 2002 Not an RCT
Burden 2001 Not an RCT; a review
Camarri 1981 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Camarri 1986 No placebo group; comparing fenoverine and trimebutine
Camatte 1966 Not an RCT
Cann 1984 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Capron 1981 Mixed intervention; composite of bulk, sedative and laxative
Capurso 1984 Cross over design with no parallel placebo administration in the first phase
Capurso 1992 Mixed intervention; composite of octylonium bromide and diazepam
Carling 1989 Cross‐over study with no reporting of outcomes before first cross‐over
Cerrato 2001 Inappropriate patients; children
Chapman 1990 No placebo; comparing mebeverine with high‐fibre dietary advice and mebeverine with ispaghula
Chassany 2007 Inapproptiate patients; acute exacerbation
Chen 1999 No placebo; comparing Alverine/dimeticone and nifedipine
Chen 2004a No placebo
Chevrel 1978 No placebo
Chicharro 2007 Not an RCT
Christen 1990 Not an RCT; a review
Clouse 1994 Not an RCT; a chart review
Clouse 2003 Not an RCT; a review
Cook 1990 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Copé 1981 No placebo; comparing clidiniumbromide‐chlordiazepoxide and trimebutine
Corazza 1983 No placebo; comparing pinaverium bromide and trimebutine
Corazziari 1999 Not an RCT; a review
Creed 2003 No placebo; comparing SSRI and psychotherapy with usual care
Creed 2006 Not an RCT; a review
Crowell 2004 Not an RCT; a review
Curtiss 2008 Not an RCT
Czimmer 2001 Not outcome of interest; sensory thresholds and recto‐sigmoideal distention
Darnis 1980 No placebo; comparing bran and kaologenis
De Groote 1968 Not an RCT
de la Garoullaye 1991 No placebo; comparing fenoverine with PVOO and karaya gum
Defrance 1991 No placebo; comparing otilonium and pinaverium bromide
Delvaux 1997 Not an RCT; a review
Dettmar 1998 Not an RCT
Dettmar 1999 No placebo; comparing ispaghula husk with mebeverine and mebeverine with high fibre diet
Dew 1984 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Diaz‐Rubio 1985 Not available
Dioguardi 1991 No placebo; comparing octilonium bromide‐diazepam and propantheline bromide‐bromazepam
Dubinin 1987 No placebo; comparing bran and bran with other drugs
Ehsanullah 1985 Not outcome of interest; motility index
Eisenburg 1978 Not an RCT
Evangelista 2004 Not an RCT; a review
Evans 1996 Not outcome of interest; motility index
Ferrari 1986 No placebo; comparing octylonium bromide and cimetropium bromide
Fielding 1979 Not an RCT
Fielding 1984 No placebo; comparing different dietary fibres
Fioramonti 1988 Not outcome of interest; colonic motility
Floch 1988 Not an RCT
Francis 1994 Not an RCT
Frexinos 1985 Not outcome of interest; colonic motility
Fritz 1967 Not an RCT
Galeone 1986a No placebo; comparing tiropramide, trimebutine and octilonium bromide
Galeone 1986b No placebo; comparing pinaverium bromide and otilonium bromide
Geismar 1971 No extractable results; no clinically relevant data, only preferences
Geoffroy 1977 No placebo
Giaccari 2001 Not an RCT; patients divided in two groups bases on BMI
Giannini 2006 Not an RCT
Gibbons 1979 Not an RCT; a letter
Gilbody 2000 No placebo; comparing two different formulations of mebeverine hydrochloride
Glende 2002 Double‐publication with Battaglia 1998
Gnauck 1977 Not an RCT
Golechha 1982 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Gorard 1994 Not outcome of interest; whole gut and orocaecal transit times
Gorard 1995 Not outcome of interest; small intestinal motility
Greenbaum 1981 Not an RCT; a letter
Greenbaum 1984 Duplicate publication with Greenbaum 1987
Greenbaum 1987 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Grigoleit 2005 Not an RCT; a review
Guerre 1979 No placebo; comparing karay gum and polyvinylpolypyrrolidone
Halpert 2005 Duplicate publication; paper based on same patients as Drossman 2003
Han 2009 Duplicate publication; same patients as Masand 2009
Hebden 2002 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Herxheimer 1979 Not an RCT; a letter
Hotz 1994 No placebo
Houghton 1997 Not outcome of interest; colonic motility
Inauen 1994 No placebo; comparing mebeverine slow release and mebeverine tablets
Iwanaga 2002 Not an RCT; a review
Jackson 1998 Not an RCT
Jafri 2006 Not an RCT
Jayanthi 1998 Not an RCT
Ji 2007 Inappropriate patients; patients with functional bowel disorder not specified as IBS
Jing 2004 No placebo
Kaushik 2002 Not an RCT
Kirsch 2000 Not an RCT; a case report
Koch 1998 Double publication with Liu 1997
Koruda 1993 Not an RCT
Kountouras 2002 Inappropriate patients; patients with GERD, who also have IBS
Kumar 1987 No placebo; comparing different doses of ispaghula husk
Kunze 1990 No Placebo; comparing brief psychotherapy, acupuncture and papaverin
Lafon 1982 No data extractable
Lambert 1989 Not an RCT; a survey
Lambert 1991a Not an RCT
Lambert 1991b Inappropriate intervention; dietary advice
Lawson 1988 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Levitan 1981 Inappropriate patients; mixed IBS and diverticulosis
Lin 2003 Not outcome of interest; anorectal visceral sensorimotor functions
Liu 2006 Not an RCT
Locke 2004 Not an RCT; a review article
Lu 2000 No placebo; comparing pinaverlum bromide and mebeverine
Luttecke 1978 Not outcome of interest; only preference
Luttecke 1980 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Lydiard 2007 Not an RCT
MacRae 1979 Not an RCT; a letter
Manning 1976 No placebo
Manning 1977 No placebo; Comparing high and low‐fibre diet
Marks 2008 Duplicate publication; same patients as Masand 2009
Masamune 1998 No placebo; comparing calcium polycarbophil and torimebutine maleate
Masand 2002 Not an RCT
Masand 2005 Not an RCT
Matts 1967 No extractable data
Meier 1996 Mixed intervention; psyllium and Cisapride versus placebo
Miller 2006 Not an RCT
Misra 1989 Not the appropriate patients; patients who had recovered completely after treatment
Modena 1993 No placebo
Mollica 1992 No placebo; comparing Otilonium bromide‐diazepam and otilonium bromide
Morgan 2005 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Morrison 1987 Not outcome of interest; the role of the dietitian
Mortensen 1987 Not outcome of interest; short‐chain fatty acids (SCFA) in faeces
Nash 1986 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Nedogoda 2000 No placebo; comparing pinaverium bromide and otilonium bromide
Noel 1989 Not an RCT
Olden 2005 Not an RCT; a review
Pardell 1982 No placebo; comparing clebopride and hyoscine N‐butylbromide
Parisi 2002 No placebo; comparing guargum and wheat bran
Parisi 2005 No placebo group; comparing different doses of guar gum
Passaretti 1985 Not an RCT
Passaretti 1989b Not outcome of interest; sigmoid‐rectal motility
Pearson 2000 Not an RCT
Piai 1987a Inappropriate patients; mixture of IBS and functional constipation
Piai 1987b Inappropriate patients; IBS in remission
Pittler 1998 Not an RCT; a meta‐analysis
Prior 1986a Only abstract; full text not available
Prior 1986b Duplicate publication; abstract publication of Prior 1987
Prout 1983 No placebo; comparing two doses of mebeverine
Quilici 1998 Not an RCT
Quilici 2003 Not an RCT
Rasmussen 1982 Inappropriate intervention; diet
Rees 1979 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Rhodes 1978 Inaprporiate intervention; sedative‐anticholinergic drug combinations
Rhodes 1980 No extractable results
Ritchie 1980 No placebo; comparing psychotropic drug, smooth‐muscle relaxant, and bulking agent
Sagduyu 2002 Not an RCT; a letter
Sato 2006 Not an RCT; a review
Schaffstein 1990 No placebo; comparing trimebutine and mebeverine
Schutz 1992 Not an RCT
Secco 1983 Not an RCT
Sharma 1987 Not an RCT
Shaughnessy 2000 Not an RCT
Shrivastava 1984 Not outcome of interest
Singh 2007 Not an RCT
Slawson 2002 Not an RCT
Snook 1994 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Soifer 1987 Not an RCT
Soifer 1992 Not outcome of interest; colon motility
Soriano 1992 Not an RCT
Stiefelhagen 2008 Not an RCT
Swiatczak 1998 Not an RCT; comparing before and after treatment with bran
Talley 2003 Not an RCT
Talley 2004 Not an RCT
Talley 2008b Not an RCT; a review
Tan 2007 Not an RCT; a review
Tanum 1996 Inappropriate patients; mixture of IBS and NUD patients
Tanum 2000 Not outcome of interest; assessment of personality traits
Tarpila 2004 No placebo; comparing flaxseed and psyllium
Tarquini 1984 No placebo; comparing octilonium bromide and octilonium bromide with a benzodiazepine
Tasman‐Jones 1973 Cross‐over study; no first phase data available
Tinozzi 1984 No placebo; comparing tiropramide hydrochloride and octylonium bromide
Tomas‐Ridocci 1992 Not the appropriate patients; patients with chronic constipation with or without IBS
Toussaint 1981 No placebo; comparing trimebutine and mebeverine
Tripathi 1983 Duplicate publication with Shrivastava 1984
Tsuneoka 1987 No placebo; comparing trimebutine maleate and mepenzolate bromide
Tudor 1986 No placebo; comparing alverine citrate and mebeverine hydrochloride
van Kerkhoven 2007 Not an RCT; a letter
Van Outryve 1995 No placebo; comparing mebeverine and mebeverine sustained release
Van Steensel 1990 Not an RCT
Villagrasa 1991 No placebo; comparing fibre‐rich diet and otilonium bromide
Wald 1990 Not an RCT
Wald 2002 Not an RCT; a review
Wang 2003 No placebo; comparing fluoxetine, paroxetine and doxepin
Wittmann 1999 No RCT; healthy patients compared with IBS patients
Woolner 2000 Not an RCT; preliminary before‐after study of low‐fibre diet
Yuan 2003 Not an RCT
Yuan 2005 No placebo; comparing trimebutine maleat and pinaveriumbromide
Zhang 2002 No placebo; comparing otilonium bromide, collodal bismuth tartrate and compound diphenoxylate
Zhou 2002 No placebo; comparing paroxetine and pinaverium bromide versus paroxetine versus pinaverium bromide
Zuckerman 2006 Not an RCT; therapeutic recommendations