miR-539- and miR-582 can be transferred via EVs and modulate EC and SMC functions in vitro. EVs were purified from ECs transfected with pre-miR-539 (539 EV) or a pre-miR-Control (Ctrl EV) (a,b,k,l), or from SMCs transfected with pre-miR-582 (582 EV) on a pre-miR-control (Ctrl EVs) (e–j), and used in the following bioassays, (a,g) EC proliferation, (b,h) migration wound-healing assay of ECs, and (c,d,i,j) tubulogenesis of ECs. Right: representative images from (c) and (i) are shown, (e,k) proliferation of SMCs, and (f,l) migration of SMCs in Boyden chamber assays. All data are the mean ± SD (n = 3 independent experiments). * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01 and *** p < 0.001 vs. the respective control.