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. 2021 Nov 17;101(2):164–169. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000001924


Characteristics of eight COVID-19–positive patients diagnosed with focal neuropathy on electrodiagnostic testing

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3 Patient 4 Patient 5 Patient 6 Patient 7 Patient 8
Age, yr 73 46 40 70 66 74 64 48
Sex M M M F F M M M
Race/ethnicity Asian Asian Hispanic Asian White White Hispanic Asian
BMI 22.1 50.3 63.8 26.8 34.7 23.3 32.0 23.8
Medical comorbidities HTN, DMII Morbid obesity Morbid obesity, HLD, DMII HTN, HLD Obesity, Anxiety None HTN, HLD, DMII, Asthma HTN, DMII, Asthma
Length of stay, d 37 72 74 50 32 45 36 80
Duration of mechanical ventilation, d 23 59 60 >44 >29 43 23 63
Prone therapy No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
Time between COVID-19 infection and onset of clinical symptoms, d 44 31 72 ≈ 69 ≈ 43 ≈ 70 80 84
Time between clinical symptoms and initial EDX testing, d 30 98 24 ≈ 18 ≈ 42 ≈ 39 72 43
Main objective findings—Medical Research Council Grading Scale for Muscle Strength Right–hip flexion 0/5, knee extension 0/5 Bilateral–knee flexion 0/5, dorsiflexion 0/5 Bilateral–knee flexion 1/5, dorsiflexion 0/5 Right–hip flexion 3/5, knee extension 2/5, ankle dorsiflexion 1/5, plantarflexion 4/5 Left–elbow extension 5/5, wrist and finger extension 1/5 Left–dorsiflexion 1/5 Right–dorsiflexion 1/5 Right–dorsiflexion 1/5
Working diagnosis Right femoral nerve injury Bilateral sciatic nerve injury Bilateral sciatic nerve injury Right lumbar plexus injury Left radial nerve injury Left fibular nerve injury Right fibular nerve injury Right fibular nerve injury
Location of fibrillations and PSWs on EMG Right RF, VL, VM, and IP Bilateral TA, FL, GMH, GLH, BFLH, BFSH, left worse than right. Bilateral TA, FL, GMH, EDL, BFLH. Right TA, FL, VL, RF, BFLH, BFSH. Left ECRL, ECU, EDC, and EIP. Left TA Right TA Right TA and FL
Other pertinent EMG findings No motor units seen firing in the femoral nerve innervated muscles Reinnervation noted distally bilaterally with the exception of no motor units seen firing in the left TA No motor units seen firing in the sciatic nerve innervated muscles. Bilateral sacral plexopathy cannot be totally excluded Lumbar paraspinals showed normal activity. Decreased recruitment in the lumbar plexus innervated muscles Reinnervation noted to the BR, ECR, and EDC Findings are consistent with a left fibular neuropathy at the fibular head on a superimposed generalized peripheral lower polyneuropathy Decreased recruitment in the right TA and FL Evidence of a severe incomplete right common fibular neuropathy at the fibular head

BFSH, biceps femoris short head; BR, brachioradialis; DMII, diabetes mellitus type 2; ECRL, extensor carpi radialis longus; ECU, extensor carpi ulnaris; EDC, extensor digitorum communis; EDL, extensor digitorum longus; EIP, extensor indicis proprius; EDX, electrodiagnostic testing; F, female; FL, fibularis longus; GLH, gastrocnemius lateral head; GMH, gastrocnemius medial head; HLD, hyperlipidemia; HTN, hypertension; IP, iliopsoas; M, male; RF, rectus femoris; TA, tibialis anterior; VL, vastus lateralis; VM, vastus medialis.