Schematic (CONSORT) overview of our patient population, exclusion criteria, and subsequent sub-analysis groups. Of the total n = 595 participants evaluated with in-lab polysomnography (PSG), we excluded n = 134 records (due to having <4 h of total sleep time, n = 76; <10 epochs of REM sleep, n = 45, or were otherwise incomplete, n = 13). Of these n = 461 participants, n = 164 and n = 275 were noted to be currently using antidepressant medications or were on CPAP/BiPAP during their PSG, respectively. Since antidepressant use and presence of untreated obstructive sleep apnea have both been associated with increased EMG tone during REM sleep, we wanted to examine these groups as separate subsets, given that these conditions might affect the accuracy of our algorithm.