(a-b) Claudin-5 antibodies specificity was confirmed by both confocal microscopy (a) Scale bars, 50 µm and dSTORM microscopy (b) Scale bars, 0.1 µm, with no detectable staining in E16 cortical null tissues (Isolectin staining used to localize vasculature, n = 4 wild-type, 4 claudin-5 null embryos). (c) E16 claudin-5 null and wild-type littermates cortical capillaries imaged with dSTORM display unaltered ZO1 clustering organization and occludin dispersed organization patterns. Scale bars, 100 nm. (d) Total cellular signal quantifications revealed that occludin levels were ~1.29 fold higher in claudin-5 null capillaries compared to wild-type. Total cellular ZO1 signal levels were also higher in claudin-5 null capillaries (not statistically significant). Data are mean ± s.e.m. *p < 0.05 (Two tailed Mann–Whitney U-test). L – capillary lumen. n = 48 capillaries of 4 wild-type embryos and 56 capillaries of 4 claudin-5 null embryos.
Figure 7—source data 1. Related to analyses sumirezed in Figure 7d.