Fig. 8. Results for the lipidomic profiling of human serum samples for PDAC patients (T) and healthy controls (N) including both genders in Phase III.
Influence of surgery on the lipidomic profile: a OPLS-DA for females (211 T + 124 N) using the training set with highlighted samples before (green, n = 13) and after (orange, n = 10) surgery. Box plots of molar lipid concentrations for paired samples collected before and after surgery for both genders (2 males and 10 females): b SM 41:1, and c LPC 18:2. Box plots for paired samples collected before (n = 22) and after treatment (n = 22 for collection 1, n = 12 for collection 2, n = 7 for collection 3, n = 4 for collection 4) for both genders using molar concentrations: d SM 41:1, e LPC 18:2. In each box plot, the centerline represents the median, the bounds represent the 1st and 3rd quartile and whiskers span 1.5 fold inter-quartile range from the median. OPLS-DA models only for subjects before any treatment or surgery separately for f males (83 T + 122 N) and g females (72 T + 124 N). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.