Fig. 3. Specific gut microbial glucuronidase enzymes convert TCS-G to TCS.
a Screening a panel of 32 purified gut microbial β-glucuronidase (GUS) proteins representing seven structural clades using a coupled assay reveals that Loop 1 and FMN-binding GUS orthologs efficiently convert TCS-G to TCS in vitro. b Catalytic efficiency values determined by HPLC further indicate that Loop 1 and FMN-binding GUS orthologs show high TCS-G to TCS-conversion activities in vitro. c Enzymes extracted from human fecal samples exhibit variable TCS-G to TCS turnover rates ex vivo. d The abundance of total bacterial GUS enzymes identified in human fecal samples by activity-based probe-enabled proteomics is correlated with TCS-G turnover rate. e The abundance of Loop 1 GUS proteins identified in human fecal samples by activity-based probe-enabled proteomics, but not other types of GUS, is correlated with TCS-G turnover rate. f Crystal structure of F. prausnitzii 2-L1 (Fp2-L1) GUS with the overall enzyme tetramer shown (purple, gray) and a close-up of the GUSi-glucuronic acid conjugate (green) bound at the enzyme’s active site with the catalytic glutamates highlighted. g TCS-G docked into the active site of Fp2-L1 GUS with residues selected for mutagenesis studies highlighted in cyan. h Catalytic efficiency values of wild-type (WT) and Fp2-L1 GUS mutant proteins. i Crystal structure of Rh3 GUS dimer (green, gray) with FMN bound (highlighted in blue in top monomer). Inset: TCS-G (magenta) was docked using Schrödinger and was found proximal to Y430 and F406 (yellow) at the Rh3 GUS active site (catalytic residues in green). j Catalytic efficiency values for Rh3 GUS mutants showing that the C-terminal domain, Y430 and F406 are important for TCS-G processing. The data are mean ± SEM, n = 3 biological replicates. All statistics were calculated using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparisons test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. NA no activity. Source data are provided with this paper. TCS triclosan, TCS-G triclosan-glucuronide, GUS β-glucuronidase.