Representative example of the T2 fitting in the cerebrospinal fluid (●),
gray matter (○), and white matter (▼). The image in the top right corner
shows the calculated T2 map of the rat brain with the location of the
fitted voxels (pointed to using the black lines). Each point in the
graph represents the actual image intensity value (in institutional
units, y-axis) in the given area of the echo image with the
corresponding echo time (x-axis). A total of 16 echo images with 15 ms
echo spacing were used. Black curves on the graph show the best fit
function using the equation M 5 M0*exp(–TE/T2), where M is the image
intensity, M0 is the image intensity of proton density image (at echo
time = 0 ms), TE is echo time, and T2 is the sought parameter. The T2
map is color-coded according to the color scale on the right, each voxel
in the map representing the observed quantitative T2 relaxation in