FIG 5.
Assessment of fly PV infectivity of parasites with ATP synthase mutations. PV infection and parasite differentiation rates at the tsetse fly facilities of Institut Pasteur and LSTM. At both colonies, infected tsetse fly PV were harvested between 21 and 28 days after infection (A and C), and parasite life cycle stages of cells from these infected PV were blindly quantified from three fixed and DAPI (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole)-stained slides per cell line with approximately 100 cells per slide (B and D). (A) A total of 657 flies were dissected at Institut Pasteur (n = 3; error bars indicate standard deviations). (B) L262P/L262Pγ clone 1 was assessed, but no cells were detected in the PV after fixation due to the very low initial parasite density, and L262P/L262Pγ clone 2 was not assessed, as no infected PV were detected (see panel A). ND, none detected; MS, mesocyclic; DE, dividing epimastigote; E/LE, epimastigote/long epimastigote; SE, short epimastigote. Error bars indicate standard deviations. (C) One hundred fifty flies per repeat (50 per cell line) were dissected at LSTM.