Adequate nutrition and hydration |
Nurse unit manager changes nursing assistant shift time to support meals
Nurse unit manager reprioritizes nursing assistant tasks to assist patients to sit in a chair for meals and provide timely assistance
Nurses add prompts to nurse planning documents
Nurses revise workflow at meal time
Nurse unit manager reminds staff about prioritizing meal times
Senior nurse lead rounds to assist patients to sit in a chair for meals
MDWG advertises meal times to staff
Physiotherapist and occupational therapist assist patients to sit in a chair for their meal when they have finished other assessments or interventions
EWE-MPA provides mealtime assistance
Early and progressive mobility and functional independence |
Facilitator improves patient lounge as walking destination
MDWG designs map and signage to assist patients with finding their way around the ward
Nurses inform patients and families regarding the patient lounge as a walking destination
Facilitator negotiates for additional chairs for patients to sit in
EWE-MPA supervises and assists with exercises and mobilization
Meaningful cognitive and social engagement |
MDWG develops and uses orientation boards
MDWG purchases and donates resources (eg, puzzles, games, pencils, books, glasses)
Nurse unit manager provides cognitive resource cupboard
Nurses purchase daily newspaper
Nurses and allied health professionals lead small activity groups with patients
Facilitator engages volunteers as patient companion and to support group activities
EWE-MPA supports group activities
Multidisciplinary team communication |
MDWG develops and uses a patient goal board to identify patient goals
Nurses and allied health professionals identify patients for specific interventions by EWE-MPA
MDWG implements method to communicate patients and tasks delegated to EWE-MPA