Myosin VIII ATM1IQ-tail colocalizes with remorin 6.6 labeled structures. (A) Negative colocalization with remorin 6.5. (B) Colocalization with remorin 6.6. (C) Pearson’s coefficient analysis of colocalization. Differences were analyzed by t-test ** p < 0.01. (D) Kymograph showing lateral stability of ATM1IQ-tail; Y axis—50 frames, 2 sec intervals, X axis—10 μm. (E) Maximal displacement from position in time 0, of each ATM1IQ-tail spot, during 50 frames, 2 sec intervals in 3 cells. (F) Partial alignment of GFP-remorin 6.6 with MTs labeled with mCherry-Tubulin α5 in A. thaliana. (G) No pronounced colocalization of mCherry-ATM1IQ-tail with GFP-remorin 6.6 along MTs, in N. benthmiana.