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. 2022 Jan 3;11(1):145. doi: 10.3390/cells11010145

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Coordinated organization of ATM1IQ-tail and cortical MTs. 35S-GFP-TUA6 expressing N. benthamiana plants (A) were infiltrated with 35S-mCherry-ATM1IQ-tail (B) or CWPL-RFP (C). Confocal microscopy was performed 48 h after Agrobacterium infiltration, for imaging the abaxial side of epidermal cells. (D) MTs orientations were determined by the directionality plugin of ImageJ in 25–40 cells. Amount refers to the fraction of MTs and dispersion to the distribution of different angles. (E) Z-axis view of a N. benthamiana epidermal cell labeled with FM4-64 (blue), ATM1IQ-tail (red-arrows), MTs (green). (F) Five frames (2 sec intervals) from Movie S2 showing a shift (arrows) in MT orientation after a collision with ATM1IQ-tail cluster in N. benthamiana epidermal cells expressing GFP-TUA6 and mCherry ATM1 IQ-tail. (G) Five frames (2 sec intervals) corresponding to Movie S3 showing a shift (arrows) of orientation of mCherry-TUA5 labeled MT after a collision with GFP-remorin 6.6 labeled structure in A. thaliana epidermal cell.