Figure 7. The topoisome favors RNAPII transcription and MYC recruitment at TSSs.
(A and B) TOP1 (A) and TOP2A (B) depletion in HCT116TOP1_mAID and HCT116TOP2A_ mAID cells with auxin.
(C and D) Average RNAPII (C) and MYC (D) occupancy at TSS (spike-in normalized signal) of all and the top 5% of expressed genes. Significance between auxin and auxinole samples for RNAPII and MYC were calculated using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test (p < e-100) comparing means of average signal ± 500bp window around TSS.
(E) A translocating polymerase unwinds DNA, generating torque transmitted through the chromatin fiber that forms supercoils. By nucleating a topisome, MYC (with TOP2A) and MYCN (with TOP2B) controls DNA topology regulating DNA over- or under-twisting as well as supercoiling that may otherwise halt ongoing transcription or replication. Created with