Tuft cells and epithelial cells were isolated from the naïve nasal mucosa of ChatCretdTomato, Ltc4sfl/fl, ChatCretdTomatoLtc4sfl/fl and ChatCreLtc4sfl/fl mice. Tuft cells were defined as EpCAMhighTomato+ in ChatCretdTomato expressing mice and as EpCAMhighCD45low in mice lacking the Tomato construct and were compared to EpCAMhighCD45− and EpCAMinterm cells. (A) Expression of the tracheal scRNAseq signature (9) genes across tuft and non-tuft epithelial cells in the nose (expression level expressed as log2(TPM + 1). (B) Principal components analysis comparing each of the above populations of cells from ChatCretdTomatoLtc4sfl/fl, ChatCreLtc4sfl/fl and control ChatCretdTomato and Ltc4sfl/fl mice. (C) Volcano plot displaying significance (y axis, -log10(FDR)) of differential expression (x axis, log2 fold-change) in tuft cells derived fromChatCretdTomato and ChatCretdTomatoLtc4sfl/fl mice. (D-E) Expression level of Ltc4s in tuft cells (D) derived from Ltc4sfl/fl and ChatCreLtc4sfl/fl, ChatCretdTomato and ChatCretdTomatoLtc4sfl/fl mice and macrophages (E) from Ltc4sfl/fl and ChatCreLtc4sfl/fl mice. TPM counts derived from RNAseq analysis using DeSeq2. (F) In situ hybridization with RNAscope probe for Ltc4s (white). Tuft cells were distinguished based on immunoreactivity for advillin and neurogranin (magenta). Representative images of the trachea (top), and nose (bottom) of WT and ChatCreLtc4sfl/fl mice. (Scale bar: indicated in μm). (G) Heatmap of expression (log2(TPM+1), color bar) of genes in the lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase pathway, Il25 and its receptor Il17rb expressed in nasal tuft cells and epithelial cells of the indicated genotypes. cKO, conditional knockout.