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. 2021 Dec 24;19(1):184. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19010184

Table 1.

Demographic characteristics of participants by depression category (N = 51).

Entire Sample
(N = 51)
(N = 33)
No Depression
(N = 18)
χ2 (df) p-Value
N % N % N %
Male 7 13.7 3 16.7 4 12.1 0.20 (1) 0.652
Female 44 86.3 15 83.3 29 87.9
18–30 2 3.9 2 6.1 4.74 (3) 0.192
31–45 9 17.6 8 24.2 1 5.6
46–60 26 51.0 14 42.4 12 66.7
61 or above 14 27.5 9 27.3 5 27.8
Marital status
Single 25 49.0 20 60.6 5 27.8 5.44 (2) 0.066
Married/In a relationship 23 45.1 12 36.4 11 61.1
Divorced/Separated/Widowed 3 5.9 1 3.0 2 11.2
Education level
Elementary or below 3 5.9 1 3.0 2 11.1 2.05 (2) 0.358
High School/College 19 37.2 14 42.4 5 27.8
University and above 29 56.9 18 54.5 11 61.1
Private 32 62.7 19 57.6 13 72.2 3.72 (3) 0.294
Home Ownership Scheme 9 17.7 5 15.2 4 22.2
Public 7 13.7 6 18.2 1 5.6
Others 3 5.9 3 9.1
Living status
Living alone/with PWD 45 88.2 28 84.8 17 94.4 1.03 (1) 0.309
Living with family/others 6 11.8 5 15.2 1 5.6
Occupation status
Full-time 22 43.1 13 39.4 9 50.0 1.44 (3) 0.696
Part-time 9 17.7 6 18.2 3 16.7
Retired 10 19.6 6 18.2 4 22.2
Housewives/Others 10 19.6 8 24.2 2 11.1
Monthly personal income (HK$)
<20,000 21 41.2 15 45.5 6 33.3 17.97 (3) < 0.001 ***
20,000–39,999 15 29.4 12 36.4 3 16.7
40,000–59,999 7 13.7 6 18.2 1 5.6
≧60,000 8 15.7 8 44.4
Sufficient income for daily needs
Yes 39 76.5 23 69.7 16 88.9 2.38 (1) 0.123
No 12 23.5 10 30.3 2 11.1
Family history of mood disorders
Yes 11 21.6 8 24.2 3 16.7 0.40 (1) 0.530
No 40 78.4 25 75.8 15 83.3
Personal history of mood disorders
Yes 11 21.6 11 33.3 0 0 7.65 (1) 0.006 **
No 40 78.4 22 66.7 18 100
Relationship with PWD
Husband/Wife 6 11.8 5 15.2 1 5.6 1.49 (2) 0.476
Parents 39 76.4 25 75.8 14 77.8
Others 6 11.8 3 9.1 3 16.7
Caring periods
Below 5 years 17 33.3 12 36.4 5 27.8 1.09 (2) 0.296
5–9 years 23 45.1 13 39.4 10 55.6
10 years or above 11 21.6 8 24.2 3 16.7
Community aids (e.g., hiring helpers)
Yes 28 54.9 16 48.5 12 66.7 0.17 (1) 0.678
No 23 45.1 17 51.5 6 33.3
Informal help (e.g., friends)
Yes 17 33.3 11 33.3 6 33.3 0 (1) 1
No 34 66.7 22 66.7 12 66.7
Baseline Assessments M SD M SD M SD t p-Value
Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) 19.76 11.69 26.03 9.54 8.28 3.80 7.55 <0.001 ***
Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10) 21.96 4.76 23.00 4.68 20.06 4.41 2.19 0.033 *
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) 6.86 5.21 9.21 4.08 2.56 4.26 5.49 <0.001 ***
Zarit Burden Scale (ZBI-22) 40.78 17.05 47.94 12.90 27.67 16.13 4.91 <0.001 ***
Non-attachment Scale (NAS-7) 30.33 5.87 28.27 5.54 34.11 4.50 −3.83 <0.001 ***
modified Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (mMOS-SS) 21.75 7.06 21.85 6.29 21.56 8.48 0.14 0.889
Instrumental 10.12 4.17 10.24 3.41 9.89 5.40 0.29 0.776
Emotional 11.63 3.72 11.61 3.66 11.67 3.94 −0.06 0.956
Perceived Coping Efficacy—Impact 1.83 0.73 2.03 0.66 1.48 0.74 2.72 0.009 **
Perceived Coping Efficacy—Confidence 2.40 0.58 2.32 0.53 2.55 0.66 −1.33 0.188

Note. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 N = total number of participants; M = mean; SD = standard deviation; PWD = persons with Dementia. Chi-squares (χ2)/t-tests (t) comparing depression/non-depression groups. Depression group is defined by a total CES-D cut-off score of ≥16.