(A) Isotopically labeled clickable glutathione approach to identify and quantify levels of glutathionylation. After incubation of light or heavy azido-Ala, two cohorts of HL-1 cells expressing GS M4 were subjected to OGD for 8 h (step 1), followed by repletion of glucose and oxygen (OG) without or with palmitate for 2 h (step 2). Lysates collected were combined and processed for click reactions with biotin-DADPS-alkyne, pull-down with streptavidin beads, on-bead tryptic digestion, and elution of glutathionylated peptides by acidic cleavage of DADPS linker, followed by LC-MS/MS to determine an MS1-peak area ratio (RH/L) of heavy- to light-labeled peptides. (B) Two experimental conditions [E1: OGD, followed by repletion of oxygen, glucose, and palmitate (OGF) for both heavy and light isotopes. E2: OGD, followed by OGF for heavy isotope or repletion of oxygen and glucose only (OG) for light isotope] and the number of quantified glutathionylated peptides. (C) Plots of RH/L values and the coefficient of variation (CV) of glutathionylated peptides. Box plots are shown with the median value (line), box (25–75%), and whiskers (10–90%). (D) RH/L values of individual glutathionylated peptides. Distribution of RH/L values (top). Examples of identified proteins with their cysteine residues are shown by the arrow and yellow color. Graphical display of MS1-peaks showing relative quantification of heavy (blue)- to light (red)-labeled peptides (bottom).