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. 2021 Oct 6;10(20):e021602. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.121.021602

Table 1.

Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of Patients With Versus Without History of MI

Variables Total (N=893 429 [100%]) With medical history of MI (N=81 646 [9.1%]) Without medical history of MI (N=811 783 [90.9%]) ASD/HL estimator
Age, mean±SD, y 66.0±12.0 70.0±11.0 65.6±12.1 38.1
Male, N (%) 555 579 (62.2) 45 820 (56.1) 509 759 (62.8) 13.7
Average income of family, mean±SD, ×103 RMB 52.7±47.8 52.9±47.8 52.7±47.8 0.4
Still smoking, N (%) 211 603 (23.7) 14 467 (17.7) 197 136 (24.3) 16.3
History of drinking, N (%) 207 889 (23.3) 15 782 (19.3) 192 107 (23.7) 10.7
Diagnosis, N (%)
IS without TIA 829 103 (92.8) 75 466 (92.4) 753 637 (92.8) 1.5
TIA 64 326 (7.2) 6180 (7.6) 58 146 (7.2) 1.5
In‐hospital NIHSS score
Mean±SD 3.0 (2.0–6.0) 4.0 (2.0–8.0) 3.0 (1.0–6.0) 22.5
In‐hospital NIHSS score, N (%)
Undocumented 212 856 (23.8) 24 829 (30.4) 188 027 (23.2) 16.3
0–4 (Mild stroke) 442 491 (49.5) 32 431 (39.7) 410 060 (50.5) 21.8
5–14 (Moderate stroke) 196 180 (22.0) 18 553 (22.7) 177 627 (21.9) 1.9
≥15 (Severe stroke) 41 902 (4.7) 5833 (7.1) 36 069 (4.4) 11.6
Medical history, N (%)
Atrial fibrillation or flutter 46 214 (5.2) 11 491 (14.1) 34 723 (4.3) 34.4
Prior stroke or TIA 298 479 (33.4) 35 083 (43.0) 263 396 (32.4) 22.0
Hypertension 571 655 (64.0) 58 577 (71.7) 513 078 (63.2) 18.2
Diabetes 188 839 (21.1) 22 164 (27.1) 166 675 (20.5) 15.5
Dyslipidemia 69 304 (7.8) 9952 (12.2) 59 352 (7.3) 16.6
Heart failure 9281 (1.0) 4273 (5.2) 5008 (0.6) 27.7
PVD 15 587 (1.7) 3348 (4.1) 12 239 (1.5) 15.8
Prosthetic heart valve 1440 (0.2) 796 (1.0) 644 (0.1) 12.2
Dementia 4305 (0.5) 636 (0.8) 3669 (0.5) 3.7
COPD 10 959 (1.2) 2291 (2.8) 8668 (1.1) 12.3
Liver insufficiency or kidney insufficiency 8919 (1.0) 1818 (2.2) 7101 (0.9) 10.5
Medications before admission, N (%)
Antiplatelet 188 757 (21.1) 30 571 (37.4) 158 186 (19.5) 40.5
Anticoagulant 35 703 (4.0) 7176 (8.8) 28 527 (3.5) 22.2
Antihypertensive 416 553 (46.6) 47 009 (57.6) 369 544 (45.5) 24.4
Cholesterol reducer 136 489 (15.3) 21 325 (26.1) 115 164 (14.2) 30.0
Diabetic medication 147 978 (16.6) 17 978 (22.0) 130 000 (16.0) 15.3
Chinese patent drug 78 607 (8.8) 12 578 (15.4) 66 029 (8.1) 22.8
Systolic blood pressure, mean±SD, mm Hg 149.5±23.1 147.9±23.5 149.7±23.0 7.7
Diastolic blood pressure, mean±SD, mm Hg 86.7±13.9 85.0±14.0 86.9±13.8 13.7
Pulse rate, mean±SD, /min 76.7±12.7 76.6±14.2 76.7±12.5 0.7
Hospital expenditure, mean±SD, RMB 12 372.4±10 681.2 13 342.9±12 264.9 12 275.1±10 504.3 9.4
Medicine expenditure, mean±SD, RMB 5467.8±5504.7 6045.1±6463.3 5409.7±5395.5 10.7
Length of stay, mean±SD, d 11.0 (7.0–14.0) 11.0 (8.0–14.0) 10.0 (7.0–14.0) 10.0

ASD/HL indicates absolute standardized difference/Hodges‐Lehmann; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; IQR, interquartile range; IS, ischemic stroke; MI, myocardial infarction; NIHSS, National Institute of Health Stroke Scale; PVD, peripheral vascular disease; RMB, Chinese monetary unit; and TIA, transient ischemic attack.