a) Detection of Cfr protein products by immunoblotting against C-terminal FLAG tag. Directed evolution mutation I26M is sufficient to produce the higher-molecular weight truncated species (denoted by *). Mutation of M95L (AUG -> CUG) abolishes the production of smaller truncated species (denoted by **). Blot is representative of two biological replicates. Original uncropped blot images are shown in
Figure 2—source data 4. (
b) Detection of Cfr protein products by immunoblotting against C-terminal FLAG tag with ANTI-FLAG M2-Peroxidase antibody (Sigma). TrunM26 refers to a Cfr construct where amino acids 1–25 have been eliminated. This construct yields predominately species **, with * as the minor expressed protein. TrunM26-M95L eliminates amino acids 1–25 and also removes the internal Met start site through M95L mutations, yielding species *. Original uncropped blot images are shown in
Figure 2—source data 5. (
c) Dose-dependent growth inhibition of
Escherichia coli expressing N-terminally truncated Cfrs in the presence of chloramphenicol (CHL). Results presented as the average of two biological replicates with standard error. Numerical data are provided in
Figure 2—source data 6.