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. 2022 Jan 6;30(1):114–128.e9. doi: 10.1016/j.str.2021.08.007

Table 2.

X-ray crystallography dataset analysis and refinement statistics

Protein complex Nanobody 10Z-CEP1641−109 Nanobody 36Z-CEP1641−109 Nanobody 36Z-TTBK21074−1087-CEP1641−109
PDB accession code 7O06 7O0S 7O3B
Beamline I04 (Diamond) I04 (Diamond) I03 (Diamond)
Space group P1211 I121 C2221
Wavelength (Å) 0.97942 0.97942 0.97625
Monomers in the asymmetric unit 2 1 3
Unit cell dimensions (Å, °) a = 50.9, b = 70.7, c = 62.0, α = 90.00, β = 90.09, γ = 90.00 a = 38.3, b = 50.6, c = 119.9, α = 90.0, β = 99.0, γ = 90.00 a = 70.6, b = 127.7, c = 218.9, α = 90.0, β = 90.0, γ = 90.0
Resolution (Å) 62.0–1.6 59.2–1.7 61.8–2.4
Completeness (overall/inner/outer shell) (%) 99.4/99.9/98.9 100.0/99.7/100.0 98.7/95.7/99.4
Rmerge (overall/inner/outer shell) 0.097/0.059/1.463 0.146/0.105/1.658 0.091/0.035/0.705
Rpim (overall/inner/outer shell) 0.040/0.025/0.627 0.061/0.047/0.700 0.052/0.018/0.436
Mean I/σI (overall/inner/outer shell) 9.9/27.0/1.7 6.1/18.2/1.0 8.6/17.0/2.1
Multiplicity (overall/inner/outer shell) 6.7/6.1/6.3 6.6/5.9/6.5 3.8/3.7/3.8
Wilson B-factor (Å2) 19.2 24.9 33.5
Number of reflections (used in refinement) 57,658 (57,454) 25,042 (24,957) 38,541 (38,506)
Number of atoms 3,796 1,909 5,678
Waters 275 150 104
Rwork/Rfree (% data used) 0.1804/0.2108 (5%) 0.2019/0.2411 (5%) 0.1894/0.2395 (5%)
RMSD from ideal values: bond length/angles (Å/°) 0.006/0.797 0.006/0.813 0.004/0.623
Mean B value (Å2) 28.06 31.80 55.0
Overall correlation coefficient
Fo-Fc/Fo-Fc free
0.963/0.956 0.959/0.936 0.933/0.911
Molprobity score 1.21 1.34 1.71
Clashscore, all atoms 2.73 3.48 4.50
Poor rotamers (%) 1.83 1.05 3.34
Ramachandran outliers (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Ramachandran favored (%) 98.34 97.22 97.54