FIG 2.
Cluster of orthologous genes (COG) classifications (n = 18) of unique coding DNA sequences (CDSs) in B. savannae sp. nov. strains (n = 97 unique CDSs) and B. mayonis sp. nov. strains (n = 149 unique CDSs), including some unique CDSs that have no homolog, 31 in B. savannae sp. nov. and 42 in B. mayonis sp. nov., which are assigned to the “unknown” category. The COG categories are as follows with the number of unique CDSs for B. savannae sp. nov. and B. mayonis sp. nov., respectively, listed after each COG category: (C) energy production and conversion (5; 0), (D) cell cycle control and mitosis (1; 3), (E) amino acid metabolism and transport (6; 2), (F) nucleotide metabolisms and transport (1; 1), (G) carbohydrate metabolism and transport (4; 9), (H) coenzyme metabolism (2; 0), (I) lipid metabolism (1; 5), (J) translation (1; 1), (K) transcription (11; 7), (L) replication, recombination and repair (6; 12), (M) cell wall/membrane/envelop biogenesis (2; 11), (P) inorganic ion transport and metabolism (2; 3), (Q) secondary structure (4; 13), (S) function unknown (16; 34), (T) signal transduction (0; 1), (U) intracellular trafficking and secretion (2; 2), (V) defense mechanisms (2; 3). All classifications were performed with the eggNOG-mapper.