Chronic restraint stressed mice increased feeding behavior. (A) Timeline of the experimental procedure for control (CON) and chronic restraint stress (CRS). (B) In the open field test, no difference in locomotor behavior was observed at any of the 5 min intervals except in the first 5-min (5-min, *p=0.0301). (C) There was no difference in the total distance moved for 1 h between groups. (D) CRS mice spent less time in the center zone in the open field, indicating increase in anxiety behavior than CON mice (**p=0.0066). (E) In the light dark test, the time spent in light zone was not different between groups. (F) Sucrose preference test was not different between CON and CRS mice. (G) The amount of food intake was increased in CRS mice compared to CON mice (**p=0.0047). (H) CRS groups were divided into two groups, resilient (RES) and susceptible (SUS) mice based on anhedonia behavior. CRS_SUS groups showed significantly decreased sucrose preference than the CON group (F (2, 25) =31.29; ***p<0.0001). (I) There is no difference of food intake between CRS_SUS and CRS_RES mice (F (2, 25)=5.22; *p=0.0128; CRS_RES vs CRS_SUS, p=0.4466; CON vs CRS_RES, *p=0.0119; CON vs CRS_SUS, *p=0.0121). (J) Sucrose preference was not correlated with the amount of food intake (r=-0.263, p=0.1763). All of the data were from CON (n=14) and CRS (n=14).