Figure 1.
Cardiomyocyte-specific GRK5 overexpression impairs cardiac function after myocardial infarction. Representative Western blot (A) and quantification (B) showing GRK5 protein levels in cardiomyocytes isolated from WT mice at 4-days post-Sham operation or post–myocardial infarction (MI). GAPDH used as loading control (n = 6–7). Overall design of the 8-week study in NLC and TgGRK5 mice subjected to Sham-operation or MI (C). Ejection fracti) (D) on (EFand left ventricular internal diameter in diastole (LVIDd) (E) as measured by echocardiography at 0- (baseline), 4- and 8-weeks post-surgery in Sham and MI groups (n = 11–38). Quantification of LV +dP/dt Max (F), −dP/dt Min (G) and heart rate (HR) (H) performed at baseline and with increasing doses of Isoproterenol. Different color asterisks have been used to show significant differences between groups (n = 7–18). Representative images of hearts from MI groups (8 weeks post-MI) (I). Measures of heart weight to body weight ratio (HW/BW) at 8 weeks post-surgery (J) (n = 15–27). Quantification of RT-PCR data showing fold change of NLC-Sham for NPPA (K), NPPB (L) and MYH7 (M) in LV samples at 8-weeks post-surgery (n = 10–14). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, #P < 0.0001 vs. NLC-Sham and TgGRK5-Sham, ##P < 0.01 vs. NLC-Sham and TgGRK5-Sham, ###P < 0.0001 vs. NLC-Sham and P < 0.001 vs. TgGRK5-Sham. Two- or one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s post hoc test or, unpaired t-test were used between groups.