Fig. 5. YES1 is a common target of miR-145-5p and linc01133.
A Venn diagram depicting 9 candidate common targets of miR-145-5p and linc01133. B The complementary sequence of YES1 3’UTR with miR-145-5p seed sequence predicted by TargetScan and the mutated sequence. MiR-145-5p reduced the luciferase activity of pmirGLO-YES1 3’UTR but not that with miR-145-5p binding site mutation in MKN45 (C) and HEK293 cells (D). MiR-145-5p inhibited YES1 expression in both mRNA (E)and protein level (F). G YES1 3’UTR is AGO2 bounded demonstrated by RIP assay. H YES1 could be pulled down by biotin-labeled miR-145-5p. Linc01133 overexpression in HGC27 cells or knocking-down in AGS cells increased or decreased the expression of YES1 both in mRNA (I, J) and protein level (K). L Linc01133 greatly attenuated miR-145-5p induced YES1 down-regulation. Each experiment was performed in triplicates. Data are shown as mean ± SD, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.