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. 2022 Jan 11;5:27. doi: 10.1038/s42003-021-02985-3

Fig. 1. Untargeted metabolomics in the Cameroon cohort highlight substantial metabolic alterations in cART compared with HC.

Fig. 1

a Bar plots representing the proportion of super pathways and number of associated metabolites in total detected metabolites (n = 841), metabolites with differential abundance between HC and PLWH on cART with p < 0.02 (Mann–Whitney U-Test, n = 122) and FDR < 0.1 (Mann–Whitney U-test, n = 42). b UMAP visualization of 48 samples using metabolites differing between HC and PLWH on cART (Mann–Whitney U-test, FDR < 0.1, n = 42). Samples are colored by condition (light blue = HC; dark blue=cART). c Sankey Plot illustrating the most important contribution to the flow of glutamate-associated pathways together with metabolites that are altered in cART patients. d Network of the metabolites significantly differing between HC and cART (Mann–Whitney U-test, FDR < 0.1, n = 42). Colored rectangular nodes represent super pathways, gray circles subpathways, and colored circles single metabolites. The color gradient was applied depending on log2FC for each metabolite from green (decreased in cART) to red (increased in cART). The size of the bubble is proportional to log2FC. Edges connect each metabolite to its respective subpathway and each subpathway to its respective super pathway. e Bubble plot showing the importance of Metabolon pathways in the prediction of metabolite association with cART status and the associated confusion matrix and classifier metrics. Terms represented at the top of the figure are the most important for prediction. (RF, estimators: 500, class weight: balanced).