Fig. 2. Reconstructions from individual attention and single-image trials.
a Reconstructions from attention trials. Reconstructions with relatively high rating accuracies are shown (see Supplementary Fig. 2 for more examples; see Methods: “Evaluation of reconstruction quality”). For each specific presented image, two reconstructions from the same subjects are shown for trials with different attention targets. b Reconstructions from single-image trials. Images with black and gray frames indicate presented and reconstructed images, respectively (see Supplementary Fig. 1c for more examples). c Identification accuracy based on behavioral evaluations for attended image reconstructions. Dots indicate mean accuracies of pair-wise identification evaluations averaged across samples for each paired comparison (chance level, 50%; see Methods: “Evaluation of reconstruction quality”). Black and red lines indicate mean and lower/upper bounds of 95% C.I. across pairs. d Identification accuracy based on behavioral evaluations for single-image reconstructions. Conventions are the same with Fig. 2c. e Scatter plot of attended and single-image identification accuracy based on behavioral evaluations. Dots indicate mean accuracies averaged over samples for each paired comparison and subject. The red line indicates the best linear fit.