Rice and maize mutants with defects in chlorophyll biosynthesis were impaired in resistance to Rhizoctonia solani (R. solani). (a) Comparison of three rice mutants (ygl8, dvr and cao1) with abolished chlorophyll biosynthesis with wild type on disease symptoms post R. solani inoculation in detached leaf (upper) and whole plant (bottom). Pictures of inoculated leaves were taken at 3 and 6 DPI, which were used to calculate the lesion areas (upper), scale bar, 1 cm; pictures of inoculated whole plants were taken at 8 DPI, and the lesion lengths were measured at 4 and 8 DPI (bottom), scale bar, 10 cm. (b) DAB and TB staining of the three mutants and wild type at 3 DPI. Scale bar, 1 cm in left; 100 μm in right. (c) Comparison of a maize chlorophyll biosynthesis mutant ygl‐1 with wild type on disease symptoms post R. solani inoculation. Scale bar, 10 cm. All data are presented as mean ± SD, *, P < 0.05, **, P < 0.01 using Student’s t‐tests.