Figure 8.
Detection of chromosomal translocation in engineered HSPCs after CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing
(A) Visualization of chromosomal rearrangements found by CAST-seq. Circos plot shows CD33 target region enlarged on the left. On-target site cluster is shown in green. Significant scores are accentuated by red dots (on-target-mediated translocations) or blue dots (homology-mediated translocation). Gray dots represent natural break sites. (B) Details of the sites involved in the CAST-seq-detected translocation are shown, with the mismatches between the off-target site and the gRNA highlighted in red text. (C) Sequence of the on-target and off-target translocation is shown. On-target sequences are shown in green. Off-target sequences are shown in red. The shared base pairs between the two sequences are highlighted in dark gray, and the surrounding sequences are in light gray. The gRNA is in bold, and the PAM sequence is underlined. The expected cut site is marked with a blue arrow.