Association between T2DM remission and %TWL after bariatric surgery: all a priori categories of %TWL (A) and upper categories collapsed into >20% TWL (B). Cox proportional hazards model results for T2DM remission as related to percentage of weight lost from surgery date until date of remission or censoring, as compared with patients who lost 0–5% of their surgery weight. %TWL was modeled as a time-varying covariate. Sample is comprised of ENGAGE CVD recipients of bariatric surgery who had T2DM at time of surgery and subsequently had their weight measured, had their weight measured at time of T2DM remission (if they remitted), and were not outliers (weight gain of >0% or weight loss of >50%). HRs: adjustment for surgery type, sex, race/ethnicity, age, age squared, HbA1c (quartiles), DiaRem score (quartiles), Elixhauser score (quartiles), BMI (quartiles), weight at surgery (quartiles), BMI ≥50 kg/m2 at surgery indicator, indicators for drug use in year and 3 months prior to surgery (aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), number of diabetes drugs at surgery (indicators for 0, 1, and 2), drug use at surgery (dyslipidemia drugs, insulin), inpatient visits in year presurgery above median, emergency department visits in year presurgery above median, presurgery appointment attendance rate above median, presurgery weight change above median, and prior diagnosis indicators (hypertension, cirrhosis, sleep apnea, chronic kidney disease, serious mental condition, severe anxiety, mild-to-moderate anxiety).