Antigenic relationships between swine H3.2010.1 and H3.2010.2 lineages and human seasonal H3N2 vaccine strains. (A) Three-dimensional antigenic map of H3.2010 lineages and human seasonal H3N2 vaccine strains. Spheres represent each antigen in the map colored by lineage: H3.2010.1 (purple), H3.2010.2 (blue), and human seasonal H3N2 vaccine strains (gray). Numbers in the map indicate strain name with antigenic motif in parentheses in the legend. Each square of the background grid in the map corresponds to 1 antigenic unit (AU), which represents a 2-fold loss in HI cross-reactivity. (B) Antigenic distances of swine H3.2010.1 and H3.2010.2 lineages from recent human seasonal H3N2 vaccine strains. The antigenic distance is reported in antigenic units (AU).