Glycan hole area prediction in patients with early neutralizer individuals (EN). (A) Mapping of the absent hole-causing PNGS on the predicted glycan shields (side view). The PNGS are shown in cyan with their position labeled in black on the structure, and their 10-Å neighbors are shown in yellow. (B) Frequency of PNGS at common M-group positions in EN individuals (red), in 110 individuals within the first 180 days of infection (light gray), and in 324 subtype B viruses collected more than 2 years after seroconversion (dark gray). (C) Predicted total glycan hole area (using the >50% M-group conserved glycan shield as baseline; Å2 per trimer) (27) in the three patient groups: EN in red (763, circle; 887, triangle; 892, star; 902, diamond; and 936, inverted triangle); <180 dpi (open light gray circles), and >2 years post-seroconversion (y.p.s.) (open dark gray triangles). (D) PNGS located in the hypervariable loops (V1, 132 to 152; V2, 185 to 190; V4, 396 to 410; and V5, 460 to 465; positions numbered according to HXB2) for viruses from the three groups indicated above.