a, Circadian Rev-erbα/β and Bmal1 mRNA expression in 2-month-old male control hearts (n = 5 timepoint, except for ZT7, n = 4 and ZT10, n = 6). b, Left: Venn diagram showing overlap between DEGs in CM-RevDKO hearts and hepatocyte-specific Rev-erb DKO (HepDKO) livers22 (at ZT10). Right: relative mRNA expression of commonly (in both CM-RevDKO and Hep-RevDKO) deregulated clock genes in CM-RevDKO vs control hearts (n=3 hearts/genotype, harvested at ZT10). c, qRT-PCR validation of genes derepressed upon CM-RevDKO in the heart of 2-month-old male mice (n = 5 for control and n = 6 for CM-RevDKO). d, Left: Venn diagram showing overlap between cardiac oscillators published in24 and all DEGs in CM-RevDKO that were assessed in24. Right: phase plots of rhythmic, differentially expressed genes identified on the left. n represents biologically independent replicates. Data are presented as mean ± SEM. Adj. P values in b were calculated by DESeq2. ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001, by 2-sided Student’s t test (exact P values are provided in the Source Data).