By completing this questionnaire, you consent to the pseudonymised use of your answers for scientific research. Do you agree? |
Yes |
No |
Section A. Background: about you and your practice. |
1 |
Which role best describes your professional background? |
Doctor |
Pharmacist |
Nurse/Nurse practitioner |
Dietitian |
Health care assistant |
Paramedic |
Other, please specify |
2 |
Do you have a special interest in diabetes? |
Yes |
No |
3 |
How old were you on your last birthday? |
<leave open ended> |
Prefer not to say |
4 |
What is your sex? |
Female |
Male |
Prefer not to say |
5 |
How would you describe your practice population? |
More affluent |
Average or mixed |
More deprived |
6 |
How would you describe your ethnicity? |
White |
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups |
Asian/British Asian |
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British |
Arab |
Other, please describe your ethnicity in your own words |
Prefer not to say |
7 |
During the course of the pandemic, have you worked in out-of-hours services with face to face service provision? |
Yes |
No |
8 |
During the course of the pandemic, have you worked in a COVID hot hub or other service providing face to face assessment of people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection? |
Yes |
No |
9 |
Have you had an illness episode typical of COVID-19 (i.e. Dry cough, high temperature, altered sense of smell or taste)? |
Yes, and I tested positive |
Yes, but I tested negative |
Yes, but I was not tested |
No Prefer not to say |
10 |
If yes and tested positive, have you been hospitalised with COVID-19? |
Yes |
No |
Prefer not to say |
11 |
If yes and tested positive, have you had symptoms that have persisted for longer than 12 weeks, since contracting COVID? |
Yes |
No |
Prefer not to say |
12 |
Have you had any household members that have tested positive for COVID-19? |
Yes |
No |
Prefer not to say |
13 |
Have you had or are you intending to have a COVID-19 vaccine? |
Yes |
No |
Undecided |
Prefer not to say |
Section B. The following questions relate to your consultations with your patients with diabetes during the COVID-19 pandemic |
14 |
What consultation methods are you, or have you been using, to provide diabetes care during the pandemic? (please tick all that apply) |
Face-to-face consultation |
Telephone consultation |
Video-consultation |
E-consultation (for example, email or via practice website) |
Other, please specify |
15 |
What impact do you feel the pandemic has had on your practice’s ability to provide routine diabetes care? |
No or minimal impact |
Moderate impact |
Significant impact |
Very significant impact |
16 |
Compared to before the pandemic, have you changed the method you are using to decide who should be recalled for diabetes annual review? |
Yes |
No |
17 |
Are you prioritising recalls for diabetes review based on clinical risk? |
Yes |
No |
18 |
If no, which of the following best describes your practice? |
Our practice doesn't need to, we are able to provide full routine diabetes care as usual |
Our practice would like to, but has no capacity to do so |
Our practice is not confident, or is unsure how to prioritise based on clinical risk |
Other, please specify |
19 |
Typically, at the peaks of the pandemic, how quickly can a person with a diabetes related problem get a response from an appropriate healthcare professional in your organisation? |
Within 1 day (less than 24 h) |
Within 2 days (between 24 and 48 h) |
Within 3 days (between 48 and 72 h) |
Within 3−7 days More than 7 days |
I don’t know |
20 |
Compared to before the pandemic, when faced with a clinical concern in diabetes care, how easy is it for you to access specialist advice? |
Much easier than before the pandemic |
Somewhat easier than before the pandemic |
Same as before the pandemic |
Somewhat more difficult than before the pandemic |
Much more difficult than before the pandemic |
21 |
With reference to virtual consultations (whether by telephone, video or e-consultation), on average, and compared to before the pandemic, how long do you feel you need for a consultation with a person with diabetes? |
Much shorter than before the pandemic |
Slightly shorter than before the pandemic |
About the same as before the pandemic |
Slightly longer than before the pandemic |
Much longer than before the pandemic |
22 |
With regards to people who were previously hard to engage, what impact do you feel the broader range of communication methods has had on engagement? |
Strong positive effect |
Moderate positive effect |
No effect |
Moderate negative effect |
Severe negative effect |
I do not know |
23 |
Compared to before the pandemic, how often are you encountering mental health concerns in people with diabetes? |
Significantly less than before the pandemic |
Slightly less than before the pandemic |
About the same as before the pandemic |
Slightly more than before the pandemic |
Significantly more than before the pandemic |
24 |
What impact do you feel the pandemic has had on your practice's ability to provide routine NHS health checks or screening for type 2 diabetes? |
No or minimal impact |
Moderate impact |
Significant impact |
Very significant impact |
Section C The following questions are related to your experience of work as a healthcare professional during the peaks of the COVID-19 pandemic. |
25 |
How often do you feel overloaded by work? |
Not at all |
Occasionally |
Quite often |
Very often |
26 |
Has your practice been affected by staff absence due to shielding or illness or self-isoltation due to COVID-19? |
Yes |
No |
27 |
Compared to before the pandemic, how often do you feel emotionally drained at the end of a working day? |
Significantly less than before the pandemic |
Slightly less than before the pandemic |
About the same as before the pandemic |
Slightly more than before the pandemic |
Significantly more than before the pandemic |
28 |
Do you worry about getting infected with coronavirus? |
Not at all |
Occasionally |
Quite often |
Very often |
29 |
Do you worry about infecting your family with coronavirus? |
Not at all |
Occasionally |
Quite often |
Very often |