Association between DASH score and epigenetic age acceleration measures (n = 1995). The DASH score was categorized into quartiles, with the first quartile representing a tendency toward an unhealthy diet and the fourth quartile representing a tendency toward a healthier diet. GrimAA and PhenoAA are scaled in units of years, while DunedinPoAm is a unit-free measure. The filled circles and lines indicate least-square means and 95% CIs, respectively. A linear mixed-effects model was adjusted for age, sex, BMI, smoking status, physical activity score, alcohol consumption, and energy intake. Abbreviations: DASH, Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; DunedinPoAm, Dunedin Pace of Aging Methylation; GrimAA, DNA methylation GrimAge Acceleration; PhenoAA, DNA methylation PhenoAge Acceleration.