Figure 1.
Person-years of follow-up, lung cancer case frequencies, age-adjusted incidence rates (AAIRs) per 100 000, and corresponding forest plots for (A) females who have never smoked (all histologies combined and adenocarcinoma) and (B) females who ever smoked, by detailed race/ethnicity, Sutter Health and Kaiser Hawai’i cohort, 2000-2013. AAIRs are not reported for Pacific Islander, Black, and non-AANHPI females who never smoked or Chinese females who smoked because of low case frequencies (<16). Because of low case frequencies among Asian Indian, Vietnamese, and Korean females, these groups were aggregated with the “Other Asian” group. AANHPI = Asian American, Native Hawaiian, or Pacific Islander; AIAN = American Indian or Alaska Native; CI = confidence interval; NHPI = Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.