Effect of Ang II on flow-induced vasodilation in LMAs from male Wistar rats (n=8/group). A, Graph showing flow-induced vasodilation in LMAs with treatment of Ang II (10−5 M) or candesartan (Cande, 10−5 M). Ang II treatment significantly decreased flow-induced vasodilatory response which was restored by candesartan treatment. **P<0.01 vs Ang II & Cande and control groups at all flow rates. B, Graph showing flow-induced shear stress in LMAs with treatment of Ang II or candesartan, Ang II treatment significantly increased luminal shear stress induced by flow which was restored by candesartan treatment. **P<0.01 vs control group; #P<0.05, ##P<0.01 vs Ang II & Cande group. C, Representative tracings of flow-induced vascular response in LMA with treatment of Ang II (upper) or candesartan (lower tracing). Scale bar = 3 min. Data were analyzed with repeated measures ANOVA followed by post-hoc Bonferroni test for multiple comparisons.