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. 2021 Dec 30;12:669715. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.669715


Some critical studies on the chief executive officer (CEO) duality, firm size, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and firm performance.

Authors Dependent/independent (Variables) Country Relationships Method
Tang (2017) Total shareholder return and CEO duality Canada Negative relationship GEE
Duru et al. (2016) Performance variables (ROA, ROE, ROS) and CEO duality United States Negative relationship System GMM
(Akram et al., 2020) CSR and firm growth Pakistan Positive relationship 2SLS and GMM
(Naseem et al., 2020) Tobin’s Q and ROA Pakistan Negative Fixed effects Model
(Yang and Zhao, 2014) Tobin’s Q, ROA, and ROE with CEO duality United States Positive relationship Baseline model
(Pham et al., 2015) Performance variables (ROA, ROE, and Tobin’s Q) with CEO duality Vietnam Positive relationship Two-stage least squares
(Guillet et al., 2013) Performance variables (ROA and Tobin’s Q) with CEO duality United States Positive relationship Two-way random-effects
(Iyengar and Zampelli, 2009) Performance variables (ROA, MARKET, and Tobin’s Q) with CEO duality United States No significant relationship Two-step treatment effects
Cornett et al. (2008) ROA and CEO duality United States Negative and positive relations Panel data regression analysis
(Elsayed, 2007) Performance variables (ROA and Tobin’s Q) with CEO duality Egypt No significant relationship LAV regression
(Al Farooque et al., 2007) The market value of a firm with CEO duality Bangladesh No relationship OLS and 2OLS

Table 1 summarizes useful studies related to this proposed framework.