Variables name | Measures |
Dependent variables | |
ROI (Returns on the investment) | Net profit divided by invested capital |
ROE (Returns on equity) | Operating income divided by shareholders’ equity |
Independent variables | |
CEO duality | It has been coded as “1” for CEO’s who hold a chairman position for board of director, and coded “0” for other variables |
Firm size | Log of firms’ total sales |
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) | This study applied an index to CSR (Corporate social responsibility) as the firms’ social contributions per share (SCV), by following a past study (Feng et al., 2018). |
Growth opportunities | It indicates a change in firms’ sales revenue of doing business activities. |
Leverage | Leverage shows firms total liabilities and then divide it by total assets ratio |
Asset tangibility | The ratio of plant, equipment, and property related to total revenue of a firm |
Variables detailed information and coding.