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. 2021 Nov 17;73(2):511–528. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erab487

Table 1.

Known VOCs inducing direct responses in plants and/or priming of defences upon biotic or abiotic stress

Compound Species Exposure time Induced responses in the receiver plants Primed responses upon stress in the receiver plants Refs
Acrolein Arabidopsis thaliana 3 h Increases the expression of defensive genes similar to those expressed upon Pseudomonas syringae infection and induces the production of jasmonates Alméras et al., 2003
Methacrolein Nicotiana attenuata 72 h Enhances the production of trypsin proteinase inhibitors in response to subsequent herbivory by Manduca sexta caterpillars Kessler et al., 2006
Nonanal Phaseolus lunatus 6h and 24 h All concentrations and times tested reduce infection by the bacterial pathogen P. syringae Girón-Calva et al., 2012
Benzothiadiazole P. lunatus Spraying Increases expression of PR-2 gene and increases resistance to P. syringae Yi et al., 2009
Indole Camellia sinensis 48 h Directly induces salicylic acid (SA) production Increases resistance to Ectropis obliqua larvae. Up-regulates genes involved in Ca2+ signalling and mitogen-activated protein kinase and increases the production of phytohormones after herbivory Ye et al., 2021
Oryza sativa 12 h Increases the accumulation of 12-oxophytodienoic acid and up-regulates LRR-RLKs gene expression Increases the expression of early defence signalling genes and enhances jasmonic acid (JA) production upon herbivory. Decreases Spodoptera frugiperda larval growth and damage Ye et al., 2019
Zea mays 12 h Increases abscisic acid (ABA) production Increases ABA and jasmonic acid isoleucine production upon wounding and application of Spodoptera littoralis regurgitant Erb et al., 2015
Z. mays 16 h Increases jasmonate production and volatile abundance, and induces defence gene expression after herbivory Hu et al., 2019
(+)-Menthofuran Cucumis sativus Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization Maffei et al., 2001
Methyl salicylate (MeSA) P. lunatus 6h and 24 h Reduces P. syringae infection Girón-Calva et al., 2012
Green leaf volatiles
(E)-2-Hexenal A. thaliana 15–20 min Rapidly promotes cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]cyt) transients and induces superoxide production Asai et al., 2009
A. thaliana 24 h Up-regulates defence-related genes Increases plant resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea Kishimoto et al., 2005
Lolium temulentum 1–60 min Activates mitogen-activated protein kinases Dombrowski et al., 2018
N. attenuata 72 h Enhances the production of trypsin proteinase inhibitors to subsequent M. sexta caterpillar feeding Kessler et al., 2006
Solanum lycopersicum Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization and increases [Ca2+]cyt Zebelo et al., 2012
(Z)-3-Hexenal A. thaliana 24 h Up-regulates defence-related genes Increases plant resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen B. cinerea Kishimoto et al., 2005
S. lycopersicum Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization and increases [Ca2+]cyt Zebelo et al., 2012
Z. mays 30 min Increases JA production and quantities of VOCs emitted Increases JA production and quantities of VOCs emitted after Spodoptera exigua regurgitant application Engelberth et al., 2004
Z. mays 3–48 h Up-regulates defensive genes and increases MeSA emissions Farag et al., 2005
(E)-2-Hexenol A. thaliana 15–20 min Promotes [Ca2+]cyt transients Asai et al., 2009
L. temulentum 1–60 min Activates mitogen-activated protein kinases Dombrowski et al., 2018
(Z)-3-Hexenol(E)-3-Hexenol L. temulentum 1–60 min Activates mitogen-activated protein kinases Dombrowski et al., 2018
Z. mays 30 min Increases JA production and quantities of VOCs emitted Increases JA production and quantities of VOCs emitted after S. exigua regurgitant application Engelberth et al., 2004
Z. mays 20–60 min Up-regulates genes involved in transcriptional regulation and Ca2+ and lipid signalling Engelberth et al., 2013
Z. mays 14 h Increases the quantity of VOCs and induces emissions of VOCs associated with herbivory, such as (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, (3E)-DMNT, and sesquiterpenes Ruther and Kleier, 2005
(Z)-3-Hexenyl acetate(E)-3-Hexenyl acetate P. lunatus 24 h Increases the production of extrafloral nectar Heil et al., 2008
Populus deltoides × nigra 16 h Induces higher concentrations of JA and linolenic acid upon feeding by Lymantria dispar larvae. Up-regulates the expression of direct defence-related genes, and induces stronger and quicker emissions of terpenes upon larvae feeding Frost et al., 2008
S. lycopersicum Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization and increases [Ca2+]cyt Zebelo et al., 2012
Triticum aestivum 16 h Increases H2O2 production and increases activity levels of ROS-scavenging enzymes. Lowers infection rate by the fungus Fusarium graminearum and necrotic lesions induced by the fungus Ameye et al., 2015; Van Meulebroek et al., 2020
Z. mays 30 min Increases JA production and the quantities of VOCs emitted Increases JA production and quantities of VOCs emitted after S. exigua regurgitant application Engelberth et al., 2004
Z. mays 1.5–4 h Increases the expression of cold-stress-related genes Reduces damage after cold stress Cofer et al., 2018
Z. mays 24 h Directly induces defence gene expression in the absence of herbivory Increases jasmonate production and volatile abundance, and induces defence gene expression after herbivory Hu et al., 2019
(E)-2-Hexenyl acetate5-Hexenyl acetate(Z)-3-Hexenyl isovalerate(Z)-3-Hexenyl butyrate P. lunatus 24 h Increases the production of extrafloral nectar Heil et al., 2008
Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) Gossypium hirsutum 16 h Increase emissions of (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate, (E)-β-ocimene, linalool, (3E)-DMNT, (E,E)-α-farnesene, (E)-β-farnesene, and (E,E)-TMNT Rodriguez-Saona et al., 2001
S. lycopersicum 24 h Induces proteinase inhibitor I and II proteins Farmer and Ryan, 1990
Z. mays 3–24 h Increases the expression of defensive genes Farag et al., 2005
(Z)-Jasmone Z. mays 24 h Reduces susceptibility to the leafhopper Cicadulina storeyi Increases emission of the sesquiterpenes (E)-(1R,9S)-caryophyllene, (E)-α-bergamotene, (E)-β-farnesene, and (E)-DMNT upon insect feeding Oluwafemi et al., 2013
(–)-Menthone C. sativus Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization Maffei et al., 2001
Methyl vinyl ketone A. thaliana 3 h Increases the expression of defensive genes upon P. syringae infection Alméras et al., 2003
(+)-Pulegone C. sativus Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization Maffei et al., 2001
Vinyl ketone A. thaliana 3 h Increases the expression of defensive genes upon P. syringae infection Alméras et al., 2003
Isoprene A. thaliana 72 h Functions through SA signalling to prime plant defence and reduce the growth of the biotrophic pathogen P. syringae Frank et al., 2021
α-Pinene A. thaliana 2 h Increases pinII-promoter activity Godard et al., 2008
A. thaliana 15–20 min Promotes [Ca2+]cyt transients Asai et al., 2009
A. thaliana 72 h Induces the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), and the expression of salicylic acid (SA)-and systemic acquired resistance (SAR)-associated genes Riedlmeier et al., 2017
S. lycopersicum Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization Zebelo et al., 2012
β-Pinene A. thaliana 72 h Induces the accumulation of ROS, and the expression of SA-and SAR-associated genes Riedlmeier et al., 2017
A. thaliana 15–20 min Promotes [Ca2+]cyt transients Asai et al., 2009
Cumene Brassica nigra 5 d Reduces larval biomass Pashalidou et al., 2020
Myrcene A. thaliana 2 h Increases pinII-promoter activity and up-regulates genes associated with response to biotic or abiotic stress, defence, and transcription factors Godard et al., 2008
A. thaliana 15–20 min Promotes [Ca2+]cyt transients Asai et al., 2009
Limonene A. thaliana 2 h Increases pinII-promoter activity Godard et al., 2008
1,8-Cineole A. thaliana 2 h Increases pinII-promoter activity Godard et al., 2008
Artemisia tridentata 24 h Reduces herbivore damage Shiojiri et al., 2015
Linalool A. thaliana 2 h Increases pinII-promoter activity Godard et al., 2008
S. lycopersicum 24h Plants from the variety Moneymaker increased JA levels and expression of the PI-I gene 6 and 12 h after S. exigua caterpillar regurgitant treatment Zhang et al., 2020
(E)-β-Ocimene A. thaliana 15–20 min Promotes [Ca2+]cyt transients Asai et al., 2009
A. thaliana 2 h Increases pinII-promoter activity and up-regulates genes associated with response to biotic or abiotic stress, defence, and transcription factors Godard et al., 2008
Brassica pekinensis 24 h Increases the concentration of glucosinolates in leaves upon Myzus persicae infection and reduces the performance of M. persicae Kang et al., 2018
P. lunatus 3–72 h Up-regulates defence-related genes Induces greater emissions of VOCs such as MeSA and (E)-DMNT after 1 d of feeding by Tetranychus urticae. Increases plant attraction to the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Arimura et al., 2000a; Arimura et al., 2012, Muroi et al., 2011
S. lycopersicum 24 h Plants from the variety Moneymaker exposed to linalool showed increased expression of the PI-I and PI-II genes at 12 h after S. exigua caterpillar regurgitant treatment Zhang et al., 2020
S. lycopersicum 72 h Induces emissions of VOCs. Decreases susceptibility to Macrosiphum euphorbiae aphids and increases attractivity to Aphidius ervi parasitoids Cascone et al., 2015
Z. mays 72 h Induces greater emissions of VOCs after 1 d of feeding by Mythimna separata larvae and reduces larval weight gain Muroi et al., 2011
allo-Ocimene A. thaliana 24 h Up-regulates defence-related genes Increases plant resistance to the necrotrophic fungal pathogen B. cinerea Kishimoto et al., 2005, 2006
(E)-DMNT A. thaliana 15–20 min Promotes [Ca2+]cyt transients Asai et al., 2009
C. sinensis 6 h Decreases the amount of leaf eaten by Ectropis obliqua. Increases JA and SA contents and up-regulates defence-related genes Jing et al., 2021
Ipomoea batatas 3 h Increases trypsin inhibitory activity induced by Spodoptera litura feeding and reduces larval weight Meents et al., 2019
P. lunatus 3h and 24 h Increases the expression of defence-related genes Arimura et al., 2000b
(E)-TMTT P. lunatus 24 h Increases the expression of defence-related genes Arimura et al., 2000b
(–)-Menthol C. sativus Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization and increases [Ca2+]cyt Maffei and Camusso, 2001; Maffei et al., 2001
(+)-Neomenthol C. sativus Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization Maffei et al., 2001
(E)-Nerolidol C. sinensis 0.5–2 h Activates mitogen-activated protein kinase, induces H2O2 burst, and increases JA and SA contents. Reduces susceptibility to the pathogen Colletotrichum fructicola Increases resistance to Empoasca onukii Chen et al., 2020
β-Caryophyllene S. lycopersicum Perfusion Induces Vm depolarization Zebelo et al., 2012
A. tridentata 24 h Reduces herbivore damage Shiojiri et al., 2015
A. thaliana 72 h Functions through JA signalling to prime plant defence and reduce growth of the biotrophic pathogen P. syringae Frank et al., 2021