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. 2020 Nov 30;2:611913. doi: 10.3389/fmedt.2020.611913

Table 1.

Examples of drugs that can cause DILI, the drug metabolizing enzymes and transporters implicated in their toxicity, and the proposed mechanism(s).

Drug (Class) Toxicity Implicated DMETs Mechanism References
Acetaminophen (Analgesic) Hepatotoxicity CYP2E1 ↑ NAPQI → ↑ Protein Adducts (33)
Isoniazid (Anti-tuberculosis) Hepatotoxicity CYP2E1, NAT2, GSTM1 Mechanism unclear and controversial (↑ reactive metabolite(s) → ↑ protein adducts?) (3438)
Diclofenac (Analgesic) Hepatotoxicity UGT2B7, CYP2C8, ABCC2 ↓ Glucuronidation → ↑ quinonimines → ↑ cell stress (39, 40)
Ticlopidine (Anti-platelet) Hepatotoxicity CYP2B6 and HLA Mechanism unclear (immune mechanism?) (41)
Tolcapone (Anti-Parkinson) Hepatotoxicity UGT1A Mechanism unclear (↓ glucuronidation → ↑ tolcapone → ↑ mitochondrial toxicity?) (42)
Hepatotoxicity/Cholestasis CYP3A4?, SULT1A3?, UGT? Mechanisms unclear and controversial
  1. ↑ TGZ-sulfate → ↑ BSEP inhibition → ↑ intracellular bile acids → Cholestasis → Mitochondrial toxicity → apoptosis

  2. ↑ TGZ → direct mitochondrial toxicity

  3. ↑TGZ-quinone → ↑ reactive intermediates (e.g., TGZ-epoxide, open-ringed metabolite, or superoxide anion radical) → ↑ protein adducts, oxidative stress, mitochondrial toxicity

Fialuridine (Antiviral) Hepatotoxicity ENT1 Fialuridine is transported into mitochondria by ENT1 → metabolized to its triphosphate derivative → inhibits polymerase-gamma → mitochondrial depletion → lactic acidosis and liver failure (46, 47)
Bosentan (Anti-hypertensive) Cholestatic BSEP BSEP inhibition → ↑ intracellular bile acids → cholestasis (48, 49)