Anna is a student in your class. She is always kind with other people and follows instructions during class. In the last few months, Anna has been increasingly moody, putting her head down on her desk. Anna also seems to have lost interest in many of her friends and classwork, including participating in activities that she used to enjoy. Every day Anna says that she feels very tired, however, when you ask, she also says that she is sleeping more than normal at night. As a result, on some occasions she has missed school and lately seems increasingly sad and hopeless. In the last few months, Anna seems to have trouble concentrating on what she is doing during independent work in your class. Recently, you heard Anna saying to her friends: “I can’t do anything right. I’m totally worthless!” |
David is a student in your class. He has a longstanding group of friends, of which he is the leader. David is very articulate, and has maintained good grades in school without working hard. In the last few months, David has increasingly argued with his friends and put them down. He often appears angry, and he frequently blames others for his mistakes. David’s friends have begun to stay away from him because he has been overly sensitive, becomes annoyed easily, and at times he seems to try to annoy his friends on purpose. David defies his teachers, and he refuses to comply with adults’ requests and rules. He argues loudly with his teachers, more than other students in his classes. Recently, his teachers have often had to place David in detention |