Figure 3.
Separate analyses for adolescent females. Parallel mediation analysis with parental (maternal above and paternal below) chronic illness status (0 is no and 1 is yes) as the independent variable (X), internalizing problems in young adulthood with a high score indicates high levels of problems (Y), and attachment to the mother, father, and peers as the mediators (a high score indicates secure attachment). The values are unstandardized regression coefficients. an is the effect of parental chronic illness in adolescence on attachment to the mother, father, and peers; bn is the effect of attachment to the mother, father, and peers on internalizing problems in young adulthood. The analysis was adjusted for adolescent sex and parental SES and divorce. The blue lines show a statistically significant path (light blue indicates borderline significance). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001.