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. 2022 Jan 13;7:2. doi: 10.1038/s41525-021-00275-9

Table 1.

Summary of clinical features observed in affected individuals in families 1–4 with OCA.

Family (ID) Nystagmus Hair colour Eye colour Other ocular features Other systemic features
1 (X:1) + Blonde Blue Iris transillumination defects, depigmented fundus, foveal hypoplasia, alternating esotropia, optic disc hypoplasia
2 (X:2) + NA NA

Blunted foveal reflex, depigmented fundus.

ERG limited and awaiting a repeat

3 (X:3) + Blonde Blue Iris transillumination defects blunted foveal reflex
3 (X:4) + Dark blonde Blue transillumination defects, foveal hypoplasia, strabismus
3 (X:5) NA Strawberry blonde NA Blunted foveal reflex
4 (IX:9) + Blonde Blue

Pale fundi, iris transillumination defects, foveal hypoplasia, myopia, strabismus.

Nyctalopia, photosensitivity and peripheral VF loss with normal ERG

4 (IX:10) + Pigmented Blue Mild learning difficulties
4 (IX:12) + Light brown NA
4 (IX:14) + Dark brown Blue Pale fundi
4 (IX:15) + Pigmented Blue
4 (IX:16) + NA NA NA NA
4 (IX:20) + Blonde Blue
4 (IX:22) + White/ blonde Blue
4 (X:15) + Brown Brown Myopia Neonatal intraventricular haemorrhage

The (+) and (−) symbols indicate the presence or absence of a feature in an affected subject, respectively.

ERG electroretinogram, NA information not available.