Top panel (A): a proposed mechanism integrating glymphatic dysfunction, sleep disruption, and post-mTBI symptoms. The asterisks (*) indicate potential mechanisms by which improving sleep may improve recovery after mTBI. Bottom panel (B): Effect of mTBI and poor sleep on perivascular space burden. Axial T1-weighted image slices, one cm-thick, through the posterior quadrant of the centrum semiovale (box) in a control subject with no history of mTBI and good seep, a subject with mTBI and good sleep, and a subject with mTBI and poor sleep. Perivascular spaces (PVS, in red) were identified with a semi-automated detection algorithm (100, 120, 121). Note the increased number of PVS in the posterior region in subject C.
mTBI: mild traumatic brain injury.
[Adapted from Piantino et al., 2021 J Neurotrauma (110)]