High-fat diet–induced beta-cell proliferation. A: Three-month–old mice were put on a high-fat diet (HFD) for the indicated durations (x axes). Fold change of fasting insulin (left), islet mass (middle), and cell proliferation rate (right) were observed for HFD- versus normal chow (NC)-fed animals. B: Immunofluorescent staining of cyclin D2 and insulin in pancreas of HFD- and NC-fed mice. Top panels, mice fed on indicated diet for 2 months (2M); bottom panels, mice fed on indicated diet for 14 months (14M). Right panels, quantification of cyclin D2–positive beta-cells versus total beta-cells. Green, cyclin D2; red, insulin; blue, DAPI. Arrows point to the cyclin D2–positive beta-cells. Insets are the magnified (by two- to threefold) images of the boxed areas. C: Immunoblotting analysis for cyclins D1 and D2. Left panel, mice fed on indicated diet for 2 months (2M); middle panel, mice fed on indicated diet for 14 months (14M); right panel, densitometry quantification of the ratio of cyclin D2/GAPDH from different immunoblotting performed with isolated islets. Each lane represents one mouse. n = 5 to 9 mice per condition (A); B and C: n = 3 2Mon, n = 4 14Mon. ∗P < 0.05 compared to NC-fed mice. Scale bar = 100 μm.