(A) Western blot of U251, SF188 and UW479 isogenic
ARTXKO cells illustrating ATRX reduction. Immunoblots of KNS42
and SJ-GBM2 are also included (right two columns) illustrating ATRX reduction in
ATRX-mutant SJ-GBM2 cells and immunocytochemistry images
(right image) demonstrating their punctate nuclear staining of ATRX only in
ATRX-wildtype KNS42 cells. (B) C-circle assay
results demonstrating DNA from each sample in the presence (+) or absence
(−) of Φ29 polymerase; positive staining demonstrates ALT in
U251-ATRXKO cells only. (C) In
vitro data showing proliferation of U251 ATRXKO cells
and its isogenic control, as well as KNS42 (ATRX wildtype) and
SJ-GBM2 (ATRX mutant), after exposure to increasing doses of
irradiation (IR). (D) In vitro mitotic index assay
at 1 hour after 10 Gy IR and 16 hours after 4.5 Gy IR demonstrates that U251
(ATRXKO) and SJ-GBM2 (ATRX mutant) cells display
increased proliferation following treatment with IR. All values normalized to
respective 0 Gy value. 0 Gy is normalized to 1.0. (E) Real-time
analysis of cell cycle transitions using the Incucyte imaging system and the
FastFUCCI reporter plasmid shows the U251 ATRXKO cells return to
active cycling 2X faster after 4 Gy IR. [Mean ± SEM for triplicate
experiments are shown. *P≤0.05,
**P≤ 0.01, ***P≤0.001, and
****P≤0.0001 using 2-Way ANOVA.] For additional
data, see also Figure