Figure 2.
Illustration of spatiotemporal cough measurements. ABD, abdominal muscles; CPkabd, abdominal muscle EMG, amplitude of ʃABD (within arrows); CPkps, parasternal muscle EMG; CTabd, durations of abdominal muscle cough-related discharge; CTE, duration of the cough expiratory phase; CTE1, duration of active cough expiratory phase; CTE2, duration of the quiescent period of cough expiration; CTI, duration of cough inspiratory phase; CTma, duration of cough-related EMG activity; CTtot, total cough cycle duration; dif, time interval between the peaks of parasternal/diaphragm and abdominal EMG activity; EMG, electromyogram; EP, esophageal pressure; EPe, EPi, expiratory and inspiratory esophageal pressure amplitudes, respectively; ʃABD, integrated moving average of the abdominal muscle EMG; ʃPS, integrated moving average of the parasternal muscle EMG; over, duration of parasternal/diaphragm and abdominal EMG coactivation; PS, parasternal muscles. Note that diaphragm EMG (which is practically identical to PS activity) is not shown.