A: information from the cortex and cortical nuclei (striatum and pallldum) is conveyed to the hypothalamus by way of a triple descending projection pathway (see FIGURES 6 and
9). Cortical regions are in green, striatal in red, and pallidal in blue. B: a summary of 5 major routes used to convey amygdalar (AMY) information to the hypothalamus (611). These can be either direct, or they involve the triple descending projectional scheme via the hippocampal formation (HPF), the medial pre-frontal region of cortex (PFCm), the lateral septal nuclei (LS), or the bed nuclei of the terminal stria (BST). C: 2 examples of how cortical (endbrain) projections to the hypothalamus involve the triple descending connectional scheme shown in FIGURE 9. They show how the medial part of the prefrontal cortex (PFCm) and the hippocampal formation (HPF) can communicate with the hypothalamus via striatal regions (red), or via striatal and pallidal (blue) regions. See text for more details and the references to the original studies. CEA, central nucleus of the amygdala; MEA, medial nucleus of the amygdala; LHA, lateral hypothalamic area; ACB, medial nucleus of the amygdala.